Transform Your Body And Life In Just 12 Weeks:
Our Midlife Makeover Program Helps You Lose Weight and Keep It off for Good
Without the Unhealthy Eating Restrictions and Grueling Exercise Regimens That Other Fitness Programs Demand.
Why 99% of busy women who are looking to shed stubborn fat and struggle to get the results they want (Hint: It’s not your busy work schedule)
Why working harder on your workouts and diet isn’t the solution to making lasting changes.
How our Midlife Makeover Program can help you get your dream body without strict diets and punishing workout routines.
How we can fill the missing piece to your transformation puzzle in 12 weeks, so you can achieve a body you never thought possible…
If you’re tired of feeling tired, uncomfortable in your own skin, ready to learn to eat right and not be hungry, exercise but not be exhausted and sweaty.... this program is for you.
I lost nearly 50 lbs in less than a year and y’all - it changed my LIFE. Invest in your actual health!
My FEAR is gone and is now replaced with belief and confidence in what I can do!
For the first time I was excited to go to the doctor and hear good news!
I’ve never done strength training workouts in my life, and I can’t believe the results I have gotten and how easy it is to fit them into my routine!
I can’t believe I’m eating this amount of food! I am strong! My clothes fit!
I am finally at a place where I’m ready to go on my own. I have the tools I need to keep going on my weight loss journey and feel amazing where I currently am! I am SOOOO glad I found you and committed to this program because it was a lifesaver and everything I was looking for. And for that, I will always be grateful. I seriously can't believe I'm back to the weight and clothing sizes I was before kids (twins). Thank you for helping me change my life.
Nirit COMPLETELY changed my perspective on fitness, my time management, nutrition, and my all or nothing thinking.
She is a huge part of me balancing my overall self-care (not just fitness and nutrition) with my executive job, kids, business, and travel.
This isn’t an end goal for me but a lifestyle I’m maintaining with the help of an amazing coach. I eat at McDonald’s, drink wine and still lost weight and have kept it off.
If you want to eat out of containers and do a fad diet this isn’t for you…
The strangest and best thing of all is that my body shaped up and lost weight without me paying much attention.
I have abs and muscles! I just did what you said and it all happened as you said!
Fit with Nirit has been in business for 11 years and helped
We are loving life now…but it hasn’t always been that way.
We are loving life now…but it hasn’t always been that way.
I was so confused and I didn't know what to do...and eventually, that led me down a spiral.
As a wife and mother, she’s passionate about empowering women to create generational health and wellness.
"I just feel like I stand straighter, I sit straighter, I walk straighter...all those things that I didn't expect. I just thought I'm gonna lose weight and that's it. But there's more to it."
- Sunetra Banerjee
"Taking 20 inches off my body, and then the pounds and my endurance! You're going to quickly see results and realize this is an exciting way to live. You feel in control. You're back in the driver's seat. You have a plan. And most importantly, you're getting all this support!"
- Denise Campbell
"I ate everything I wanted and didn't give anything up. I lost weight when I was on vacation! You showed me how I can still have my drinks, my pizza, enjoy my weekend and still lose weight. And that was the difference in this was still real food and not huge changes."
- Tammy Lloyd
"I feel my body physically changing. I can do a lot more activity and not get out of breath or tired. My aches and pains have gone away. I feel stronger. I thought I knew how to eat and exercise, but I've learned a lot on the program"
- Karen Keats
"This program works. It's not hard. It's straightforward. It's based in science. It's real...if you don't take the time to take care of yourself now, you'll be in someone's office forced to take the time later when your illness catches up with you. So take the time to do it for yourself."
- Dr. Bari Rudikoff
"This isn't hard, this isn't scary, this isn't difficult. And I'm happy again. Like, I'm feeling my body. It's like I'm reclaiming it. I own it again. It's not like on a runaway train on its own. And like, I feel free and I feel in control.”
- Emily Munchel
We will personally support and guide you DAILY throughout your transformation process, and here’s how our Midlife Makeover Program delivers great results!
Through our app, you’ll receive meal ideas and recipes that you can use to fuel your body while burning excess fat.
We teach you how to eat the foods you love every day while melting fat, so that once you have completed the program, you know what to do to fuel your body and maintain a healthy weight for the rest of your life.
The strategies you will learn are easily adaptable to any lifestyle.
The best part? There are no off limit foods and drinks. You can eat ANYTHING, just not EVERYTHING!
You don’t need to spend hours in the gym to get a flat stomach!
Through our app, you'll be given step by step strength training workouts that you can do anywhere, at any time.
The workouts are efficient and progress steadily over the course of 12 weeks to get you the EXACT results you are looking for.
All you need is 20-40 min, some dumbbells and some ground space!
We also have our rehab specialist, Sarah, ready to support you and troubleshoot any questions, pain or injuries you may be dealing with.
The biggest muscle we will work is the one between your ears. We offer support and guidance that you won’t find elsewhere. We call it the “NO FAIL” accountability system.
We will support you 100% EVERYDAY… because we know what it’s like to be alone on this journey...and we don't want anyone else to feel that way!
We work with you on building confidence, combating emotional eating, changing the way you talk you yourself, challenging negative or incorrect belief systems, and banishing guilt.
How do we do this?
Weekly reward sheets that hold you accountable to your goals, celebrate your wins, and identify your personal challenges.
Group trainings twice monthly provide community support and teach you how to build yourself up instead of break yourself down.
Daily support and feedback to keep you motivated, encouraged and empowered.
We are literally at your fingertips!
Just Imagine...
Waking Up Every Day Feeling Proud, Confident, Accomplished... and
Loving the Way You Look in the Mirror...
Enjoying a Happier and More Fulfilled Lifestyle...
Is This Midlife Makeover Program Right For You?
You’re looking for a ‘quick fix’ or another fad diet to lose tons of weight overnight.
You’re NOT 100% committed to making changes.
You’re NOT willing to invest time and money into your health and wellness.
You think you already know what to do and can do it on your own.
You would rather make excuses than step out of your comfort zone.
You want to get immediate results while eating the delicious foods you love.
You are friendly, coachable and are done with your own excuses.
You want to make being healthy and fit your forever lifestyle.
You are willing to exercise for 30 min, three days a week.
You want a program that is tailored to your body, build, weight, and goals.
As much weight as you want to lose. We’ve had clients sign up to lose 5 lbs and clients sign up to lose 60+ lbs. We aim for a slow, healthy pace of about 1-2 lbs per week. Over the course of your initial 12 weeks that averages to about 12-24 lbs.
The length of your personal program depends on your individual goals and needs. Our typical program is one year long in order to take you through 3 phases of transformation.
PHASE 1: Fat loss - Dial in your nutrition and implement simple, efficient strength workouts to get immediate results. The length of this phase depends on how much weight you are looking to lose.
PHASE 2: Shape and Tone - Uses a “reverse burn” nutrition strategy to gradually reverse you out of a calorie deficit while focusing on fueling your body. Progressive workouts focus on increasing strength, building lean muscle mass, and shaping target areas.
PHASE 3: Fit for Life - At this point you will know exactly how many calories to eat, what types of foods you need or fuel, and what exercises to do to maintain your new physique. Once you have demonstrated mastery, you either graduate the program with PERMANENT results OR enroll in our Legacy Program to still get access to EVERYTHING, including The FWN Exclusive Client Community AND 1:1 Coaching as needed!
This is a very personal program. You have a coach in your pocket EVERY DAY 24/7. This is the hallmark feature of our program and we do not know of any other coaches that provide the level of day to day support that we provide. We monitor you closely and provide consistent and honest feedback to support you in achieving your goals. We are very responsive to questions and concerns and typically respond very quickly.
We are literally at your fingertips 24/7. Just send us a message through the app we use and we will get back to you very quickly. You can also always schedule a coaching call over Zoom and talk to us face to face. Many clients tell us by the end of the program that we have gotten “in their head” and that they can “hear” what we would tell them in different situations.
YES!!! This is super important to me. Personally, my family and I eat dinner together every single night. You will not need to make multiple or separate meals for you and your family. This is a lifestyle and we teach you how to incorporate the family meals you love into your food strategy.
We will show you strategies to keep you full within your calorie “budget”. I always tell clients to eat if they are hungry, and we give direction on what type of snacks are best for fat loss. No one needs to be “hangry” in this program.
Not unless you like them. You can find everything you need at your regular local grocery store.
The timing of when you eat does not really matter for your weight loss, it only matters in the sense of what works for you, your personal preferences, and your lifestyle. I work with many busy career moms and many nurses who do shift work and we work on establishing an effective eating routine.
No! You do not know the exact number of calories burned through exercise and FitBits and fitness/nutrition apps are not particularly accurate. If you are hungry, you should absolutely eat something and we will help you find foods that will fuel your body and give you energy.
Protein is super important to keep you energized, keep you feeling full, and boosting your metabolism when paired with an appropriate strength training routine.
Calories count. Even if your brain isn’t counting them, your body is. The key is to get the right amount of calories throughout the day without being super restrictive and leading you to overeat later.
This depends on you and your goals and your fitness level when you start. Most people start with 2-3 sessions of 20-30 min strength training exercises each week along with daily walking. This progresses as you get stronger and more fit and by the end of the program you are up to 3-4 sessions per week.
Yes. All the workouts can be done at home with some dumbbells and an exercise ball. Many of my clients save their “guilty pleasure” TV shows and specifically watch them while they exercise.
No. Cardio is amazing for cardiovascular health but is often not ideal for fat loss. We focus more on building muscle through metabolic strength training exercises. However, you do have to start moving more in general and we will assign you a certain number of steps to try to get in each day.
We use a science-based, no-nonsense approach to fitness and weight loss. If you follow the program guidelines as instructed, you are absolutely guaranteed to get results.
Absolutely. When you are traveling we actually encourage you to eat local foods and try new things and we show you how to work that into your plan. All of the workouts can be done in a hotel room or a hotel gym and we encourage you to walk and explore your surroundings!
Of course. We love to eat out and we also love ordering in. This is a lifestyle. You are going to learn the skill set and the framework so you know what to do and what to order for the rest of your life so you can navigate social eating situations confidently.
Yes. While we don’t suggest 5 drinks a day, if you are a person who enjoys a cocktail or a beer, we will show you how to drink smart so that it doesn’t get in the way of your weight loss goals.
You cannot mess this up. This is an example of the “all or nothing” mindset that has failed you in the past. This is a lifestyle and I will tell you now, you will not be perfect. Perfection doesn’t exist. You are on a personal journey of progress towards your specific goals. When you fall off track, we teach you how to move on and move forward without guilt, shame, or blame.
Life will throw you curveballs, that is a guarantee. We teach you how to focus on what you can control. We have had clients cope with unexpected illnesses, unplanned surgeries, accidents, and other medical situations throughout the course of the program. We work with you on a case by case basis to figure out a plan. We also have a rehabilitation specialist who can help you figure out how best to approach your workouts as you recover.
"It’s hard to put into words just how much Nirit has changed my life"
I don’t think I could, or would, be doing this with anyone else. Sometimes I tell Nirit she is my miracle. And I mean it. She is simply an exceptional person and an amazing trainer, and I am so blessed to have found her.
She provided a safe space to discuss my relationship with food in coping with challenges of daily living, as well as how my relationships with family and friends involving food affected me both in terms of what I ate, but how I felt.
Along comes Nirit… I exercised, I ate way more than I used to eat, not eliminating anything (including bread, pasta, pizza, cocktails, and desserts), and the pounds just came off! 12 weeks ago I was 147.7 lbs, and today I am 123.5 lbs! I have never felt better!
Biggest change in my lifestyle is two things… #1 - I drink a ton of water! And #2 - I eat a lot!
Have you always wanted to lose weight and never really been successful? If you are SERIOUS about losing weight, then this is definitely the program for you! I have always worked out and mostly knew what I should be eating but my problem was, I wasn’t always consistent and therefore I wouldn’t see results. Nirit breaks everything down for you. She always gives great advice, making us feel better each day, while showing us what we can do better tomorrow. Some of us know more than others about weight loss, but being held accountable is everything!
When I was at an all-time low, in fitness and in life, Nirit reintroduced me to exercise and helped me find a well of inner strength that I didn’t know I had. She makes everyone feel welcome, and more importantly, empowered. There is no such thing as “failure” with her. She has a way of bringing out the best in people—in part owing to her own authenticity and in part owing to her vibrant humor.
Through life, I ran out of time to take care of myself after taking care of everybody else in my home. With Nirit’s encouragement and support I have found my way again. I get up each morning and find the motivation needed to have “me time” following Nirit’s plan. I am back to eating healthy, which has turned to my family eating healthier. I have found it in me to push myself and make goals for fitness activities I never before thought I could pull off.
One of the things I have enjoyed most about the program is how easily it fits into my life. I can do the exercises anywhere and I manage the nutrition flexibly. Nirit has challenged me to make sure I am taking care of myself while I take care of others that I love. Thank you Nirit!
I drink far more water than ever and I exercise 4-5 times per week. Three of my exercise days include 25-30 minutes of a customized strength work in my home – no gym required! The other two days I simply walk/hike or jog outside. It's a sustainable routine for me. I feel strong again! Nirit also helped me with my food challenges. Doctors say I have an autoimmune disease (which I prefer to deny), and Nirit has supported me in following the recommended diets. Accountability is key in this program. It’s easy to neglect me when I’m the only one who is paying attention. When Nirit is paying attention, I feel supported and encouraged. AND she gently, yet persistently, nudges me on the days where I don’t feel like taking care of me. I highly recommend joining Nirit’s program, especially if you don’t have the time or simply don’t want to go to a gym. She will be your partner in helping you to take care of you, and you are worth it.
If you are looking for guidance and support on your health and wellness journey, then look no further.
Nirit with Fit with Nirit lives and breathes health and fitness. She has a wealth of knowledge and knows what it takes for her clients to succeed. Nirit will support you every step of the way. Nirit understands the demand of a working mom, so her online program was exactly what I needed, especially when my career path was presenting me with a more demanding job.
I wholeheartedly recommend Fit with Nirit, not just for the weight loss aspect, but also for the other benefits of goal setting, enhancing self-respect, self-confidence, and behavior modification.